Top Tips For Cutting The Cost Of Christmas

From buying gifts to stocking up the fridge and decorating the house with beautiful decorations, there’s no denying that Christmas can be a very expensive time. Luckily, to help you keep the costs down has revealed some of the nation’s best money-saving tips.

Using loyalty points, discount codes and vouchers emerged as the best way to save a few extra pennies, while setting out a budget and sticking to it was also deemed a great idea. Shopping in the sales can help you as well, as can avoiding any expensive festive experiences.

Last-minute shopping was frowned upon as this can be more expensive, while agreeing on a price limit for friends and family was also found to be a good way of saving. Using money-off apps can help spread the cost, while shopping at a cheaper supermarket can make a bit of a difference as well.

Other ideas that emerged included swapping the turkey for chicken or another type of meat, reusing Christmas wrapping paper and cutting down the number of people on your Christmas card list.

“For many people, Christmas puts added strain on already stretched finances – but as our survey shows, some forward planning, sensible budgeting and a little Christmas creativity can help you shave the cost of your festive spending,” customer insight manager with Claire Peate remarked.

Do you have any good ways of cutting the costs at Christmas? We’d love to hear your ideas so let us know in the comments below.